Thursday, August 31, 2023

OTT fashion and my new herb garden

Hello chic friends!
I have been up bright and early at my desk on these wintry mornings, ready to type some magic into my books :)

This is a photo from Saturday night when we met friends at a gorgeous local wine bar. I'm wearing my new gold Ralph Lauren jeans from Macys... such fun! And my Coach bag is new from our trip as well.

We had a lovely evening, and it wasn't a late one, home by 9.30pm lol.

Sunday was lovely too. We 'acted as if' we were still on holiday so went out for a stroll around town, and then had lunch out. It was a lovely morning, and we headed home just as the rain set in. At least my new raised herb garden got watered :)

As many of you predicted, the kitchen herbs did not thrive, so I now have an outdoor herb bed which is much better, and it's just outside the kitchen door too.

So apart from writing, I've done my groceries this week, plus picked my sister up from the airport. I have Bath & Body Works goodies for her teen daughters which I am just as excited about. I know I'm far too old to shop there but I love that store!

I got to stock up on candles on our trip. My favourite BBW candle that I've tried is Paris Cafe, and I also love Smoked Vanilla. Neither of those are available at the moment so I 'made do' with other lovely scents. Strawberry Pound Cake and Bourbon Maple are two of the ones I bought and they are YUM.

My lovely new herb garden!

We lost our other herb garden when we tiled the patio and it got dug out...

Then I tried herbs in the kitchen window. Fail.

So third time lucky with this beautiful raised bed. It's right outside our kitchen door too.

I've already used tiny bits of parsley and chives but I'm hoping they will really take off and be so verdant and abundant coming into the spring here.

I also planted some spring onions that are so slender they look like chives lol.

Using fresh herbs in meals is one of my favourite ways to live a luxurious life on a budget, just like the book says! (tip 31)

'100 Ways to Live a Luxurious Life on a Budget' here at my Amazon affiliate link.

Or the eBook in my eStore for an Amazon alternative.

And finally this week...

Sometimes things happen when you are about to hop into bed with your Kindle.

How??? is all I can say.

Thanks Micky dog!


Wishing you a beautiful day, and please let me know if you are a Bath & Body Works fan, and what your favourite scents are.
xx Fiona


  1. Hi Fiona! I want you to know how much I enjoy opening my email to find you popping in there! You are absolutely stunning in your outfit above. I admire your new herb garden. And Mickey dog! Just makes me laugh and really what else can you do…. Also want to let you know I picked up Thirty Chic Days volume 3 during your recent sale and so glad to add it to my Fiona Ferris collection. I love your writing!!! Sometimes I just pick up one of your book as I walk by the bookshelf and flip open to any page and whatever is on that page is always just what I need at that moment. Fiona magic💕.

  2. You look very classy. Definitely not ott - if that means over the top. And I love your herb garden. Your posts always make me feel good and ready to take on the world! Your posts in a cup of coffee start my day off right 💕

  3. Hello Fiona. I came across one of your books by accident and now I have them all. Absolutely amazing. I suffer from depression and anxiety and after reading one of your books I got up and decluttered my whole house being someone else in my mind. It took some time but I done it and I'm sooo happy. I thank you so much for being there for me. I have started re reading each of the books and I am leading my life the way I want to. Again I thank you. Could you do a book about living in autumn? Looking forward to your next book. Enjoy the rest of your day. Loraine Xx

  4. Love sweet pea and my favorite was juniper breeze before it was discontinued.


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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