Thursday, October 5, 2023

A simple life tip + where I met my husband

Throwback to that fun night out at the place my husband and I met at 20 years ago.

When we told the barmaid we’d met there she told us she heard that all the time :) We are not so unique after all!

Apparently Lime Bar is quite the meeting place. When I went there it was Cosmopolitans all the way :)

And amazingly enough it’s still the same name after all these years.

I love a good ‘Where did you meet’ story so please share yours!

:: How I keep my life simple ::

In our dining area, the apples and the orchid plant are both faux. I have decided that I prefer my plants to be in the garden where the rain waters them (I don't even have any outdoor pots anymore), and my fruit in the fridge for maximum crisp and freshness.

Life becomes easier and happier when you choose to 'be you' in little areas like this. I know loads of people love cut flowers and indoor potted plants, but they just stress me out!

I have to water the plants, keep them alive, feed them, upsize their pots when necessary, and put a plate under the pot for watering so I don't damage our furniture.

It's the same with cut flowers. I enjoy receiving them as a gift and have a few vases for just such a time, but otherwise I no longer buy them for myself. A bunch of flowers with my weekly shop is NOT a treat for me!

I'm not saying my way is right or wrong, it's just nice to know you have the choice, right? And you can always change your mind at any time too.

For where I am right now I want easy-care and simple. And it's not that my life is so hectic, I just prefer less to look after. Call me lazy, I don't mind :)

Tell me where you are lazy, haha, and what changes you have made to simplify your life lately.

I've been chain-smoking again, yes! With writing though :) I started my next book on the high of releasing a book. I've been enjoying outlining my next book all week and will be starting my chapters soon.

Thank you for your lovely messages about my newest book's release - if you've ordered it I hope you are enjoying reading it! (pictured below)

I always take on the feeling of the book I am writing, understandably, so I am feeling very zen after writing and reading through '30 Chic Days at Home Vol. 2' :)

And much like ‘a busman's holiday’, I love to read in my downtime, lol.

I've recently finished Jane Fallon's newest book 'Over Sharing'. I love her books and have read every one. They all seem to have a common theme of revenge, but they have heart too, and the endings are very satisfying.

This title was very enjoyable. I admire that her characters are fully fleshed out with quirks and lives of their own, but it doesn't come across as contrived or cliched.

Would recommend! (It's here at my affiliate Amazon link.)

Please let me know if you enjoy Jane’s books as well, and also, what have you read lately that you would like to share? I enjoy novels for my relaxing time, or before bed.

I hope you're having a lovely week, and see you soon!

xx Fiona

PS. You can find my newest book here at my affiliate Amazon link on Kindle and in paperback. It's been number one - yay! And thank you!




  1. I met my husband at a party when we were in college 40+ years ago. We definitely clicked but were both with other people & it took us another decade to get together. We're celebrating 32 years together in November. Plants? I'm one of those with dozens of houseplants, a couple I've had for 20+ years.

    But it's so true what you say about knowing ourselves & trusting that! You wrote a few weeks ago about spas, & there are few things I dislike more than going to a spa -- 5 minutes in & I'm bored cross-eyed & can not WAIT to get home. I hate massages (unless it's my husband doing the massaging) & find being expected to "relax" anything but relaxing. I don't like baths for the same reason: all I can think of are the 800 things I'd rather be doing than sitting in a tub of hot water like a carrot in a soup pot :-) . I know both are supposed to be the ideal in self-care, but all they do is annoy & stress me. LOL! Thank goodness we're not all the same!

  2. I met my husband at a gay bar - of all places - with a large group of friends that included my mom. Years later we learned it was a setup. My husband and I just celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and planned our first trip to Europe to celebrate (we’re based in the US). I wanted to extend a huge “thank you” because reading your book 100 Ways to Live a European Inspired Life helped me make the most of the trip. I tried to channel your enthusiasm for all things European when confronted with cancelled flights, torrential rain, and catching COVID. It really made such a positive difference!

  3. 40 years ago my husband and I lived just two houses apart. We only spoke once, regarding a business transaction and then not again until we were both working in the next town at businesses across from one another. I was living in that town at that time while he still resided on the old street in the former town. About 33 years ago one of my co-workers called me one night to say " John C is getting a divorce...You're soooo nice...and John is soooo nice..." which infuriated me and made me hang up on her. A couple of months later, friends urged me to go to a class for divorced folks and someone suggested I ask him. I refused flat out. And then one day one of his co-workers walked into my office and before I thought I blurted, "Do you think John would like to go with the group to the class?" He was in my office five minutes later, stopped by my house that night to 'discuss' the matter and asked me out on a date. So we started dating just like that. When we finally got to the divorce class, we were told, "No dating" and John looked at me and said "I'm not going to stop dating you...I'll quit class" so we both quit divorce class. We've been together ever since!

  4. I don't know how I missed this. Duh moment, I guess. I met Leland at work. He was a contractor who came in to work during outages (nuclear plant). He was married the first time I helped him with his resume. The second time a year later, he was a widower. We chatted and discovered we had so much in common. Until he suddenly moved to heaved, he was an amazing husband.

    I'm re-reading Jennifer Crusie/Bob Mayer collateration, Agnes and the Hitman. Such a feel-good, funny book. He met her at a book-signing (he is an established author, too). He challenged women writers who make male characters unrealistic. Their few collabs are written from their individual points of view. Very funny and enjoyable. They wrote 3 books back mid-2000. Their newest books, after 15 years, are great, too.


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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