Friday, October 27, 2023

Where I spent my birthday!

Hello chic friends, it was my birthday this past week (and my husband Paul's too - we have the same birthday one year apart :)
Guess where we spent our birthday? In prison! Only for a little while though.

We had friends staying for the long weekend and we all took a tour of the historic Napier Prison. It was so interesting.

And thankfully they let us out too!

52 and 53!

Hello from beautiful Hawke's Bay in the spring! This is the view from the paddock looking up to our home. If you look closely you can see our new outdoor area's roof.

It's lovely to have a paddock and walk the dogs off-leash in their own private 'park'. Just make sure to dodge the cow pats!

This week I did a second interview with the delightful Annemarie Stolting, for her podcast Let's Slow Down. Annemarie is such a great interviewer with great questions and comments.

The episode should be released next month and I can't wait for you to hear it. We had such a fun time chatting. I think I may have spoken really fast in my excitement so I really hope you can understand my Kiwi accent easily! LOL!

In the episode we discuss how to feel calm and peaceful during the holiday season, my morning routine, how I became a self-published work-from-home author, and lots of other fun bits and pieces.

You can listen to our first episode together here.

The book we discussed in next month's episode: 'A Chic and Simple Christmas' is still on special for a few more days - it will go back to its normal price on Monday, so if you don't already have it this is your chance to get it at a discounted price.

The Kindle and paperback versions are both reduced on Amazon at my affiliate link.

And for an Amazon alternative the eBook is in my eStore.

And finally, it's me again. I forgot to post this when I went to see the Barbie movie! I know it's old news now, but what did you think? I enjoyed the fun parts of it and the inside jokes. I loved Ken and Barbie, and all the other Barbies, and how Ken's job was 'beach' :)

But I also thought it was a missed opportunity because it felt a little weird. Like it was just a ton of scenes glued together (I know that's what a movie is, but, you know ;). It could have had more heart I think.

Still, I'm glad I went got to see it. Whenever I go to the movies I always think how good it is and that I'm going to do it more often and then it's another 3-4 months until I go again :)

What good is coming up? Have you been lately and what would you recommend? And what did you think of Barbie? If you can remember back that far!
Enjoy the rest of your week, it's the weekend here! Friday night - yahoo!

xx Fiona


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY you sweet young things!! I love your paddock view. I had no idea I was conversing with a prisoner 🤣🤣 I haven’t been to the movies for several years so didn’t see Barbie. Love your posts. Going to listen to your first interview!

  2. Excited to hear the new interview Fiona! You always have something to say that inspires me, thank you for that!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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