Sunday, December 20, 2020

Day 5: A Week of Christmas Self-Care


Day 5: A Week of Christmas Self-Care
~ Cleanse your space ~

Whether you are hosting Christmas, visiting someone else's house or having a socially distanced Christmas, you are likely to have more 'things' coming into your home.  It's nice to have a clean out before Christmas so that you can feel spacious instead of suffocated.  Wardrobes and cupboards aren't packed and messy.  There aren't items lying around because they have nowhere to live.
Even if you don't do a big declutter - because I'm sure you have enough to do right now - you can still straighten up areas and remove a few items as you go.  Put them aside in a donation box if they are good enough and give yourself the gift of a gently cleansed space this holiday season.

We are clearing some hanger space for guests who are staying, so it's a perfect time to take a look at clothes we haven't worn for a long time and have even bought newer versions of.

Sometimes we have to look at your home with new eyes too, because we can become immune to what is around us.  Go out your front door and come back in as if you were a guest.  Check out the entrance way.  Walk down the hall.  Go into your bedroom and bathroom and see if it pleases you.  What can you tidy up, move somewhere else or declutter?  What hotspots flare up again and again?  Can you fix them once and for all?  Say with a basket for the junk mail?  Or putting a pot plant on top of the microwave so that it doesn't become the dumping ground for stray pieces of paper? Horizontal surfaces are always magnets for 'stuff' :)
I also like to swap around decorate items such as pictures on the wall, candles and ornaments and pillows on the sofa or bed.  Moving them somewhere else makes them seem new again.

As I cleansed my space this week, I lit a beautiful candle gifted to me by lovely reader Jo Macfarlane.  All the way from Scotland!  She chose the Bergamot and Lemon scent, and it is divine.  I particularly love citrus scents so it was the perfect choice.  I feel very spoiled and am so thankful to you for your generosity Jo!  You can view Jo's elegant website here.

And I will see you tomorrow for day 6!

xx Fiona

PS. In my book 'Financially Chic', one of my main abundance tools is to declutter, organize, clean and tidy your home.  It's not as much fun as going shopping for new things at first, but then it is much, much better.  You find hidden treasures which seem much more appealing when not surrounded by things you don't care about or which are not in good working order.  You keep going back to look at the drawer/nook/room you have tidied.
I always feel a zing of happy energy when I organize even a tiny space.  It's definitely a good mood-changer!

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