Friday, June 28, 2024


Dear chic friends,
Yes, today's the day to share my newest book with you!

100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life was written to help you feel at peace and soothed, even with the world in turmoil.

I know we can avoid the news, but we still know big things are happening. It feels like this has been the case since pre-2020 but it's true!

It's important for us not only to have compassion for others who are going through tough times, but also to be able to enjoy the blessed life we have ourselves.

Many of us have a lovely life, but it can feel hard to appreciate it at times, a) because there is a lot of worrying to be doing, and b) we're busy, and c) we might even feel a little guilty.

This book is the antidote to worry, stress, and guilt. It contains 100 tips on living, yes, a softer, calmer life 😊 On appreciating our perfectly imperfect life exactly as it is today. And of course there are plenty of ideas in which to make things better, both in our mindset and in our surroundings.

We have had THE rainiest weather all week, just perfect for snuggling
up in my home office putting the finishing touches to this book!

As well, there are bonus 50 tips on romanticizing your life, which was delightful to write. In fact, the whole book feels soft and warm, like sinking into a bubble bath 💗

If you would like something to read for a few hours of relaxing time with your favourite beverage, I invite you to take a look at 100 Ways to Live a Soft, Calm Life - maybe it's your new weekend read?

It's available on Kindle and in paperback, and the audiobook will be coming soon as well - some time next month.

I really hope you love this book and that it 'works' as intended! That you will feel soothed and more peaceful when you have finished, with a renewed sense of 'can-do' for your wonderful life.

Happy reading and thank you for your support!

xx Fiona


  1. I love your book covers, stylish and perfect!!!

  2. Ordered hardcopy yesterday! Yay!!

  3. I love your books! Just received my copy of a Soft Calm Life. Sharon


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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