Thursday, November 3, 2022

Getting ready for the holidays

Dinner out on a recent Wellington trip :)  - Dillingers restaurant

I am so excited for the upcoming holiday season! I don't need any excuse to play Christmas music. Not actual carols, but Christmassy background music on YouTube with the bells in the background :)

Just search for 'Christmas BGM' (which stands for 'background music') on YouTube and find something you like.

And I am enjoying the new Fern Michaels book called 'Falling Stars'. It's described as a 'fun and festive holiday story' but it's not that Christmassy even though I am 2/3 through. It's still good though! I love the premise of an everyday person meeting up with a movie star - just like on Notting Hill :) (here on Amazon)

Plus, I've been using my Starbucks Christmas mugs for my coffee. I have two and I love them. I'm waiting for this years mugs to be released to see if I like them enough to get one for my collection!

It's just fun to start adding little twinkly sparkly Christmassy details in.

Of course, if you haven't read my book 'A Chic and Simple Christmas' I hope you will check it out! It's here on Amazon.

I think that's about all the Christmassy touches I've been including so far. And it's November now! So fun :)
I went to visit my mother recently, and her 15 year old dog Milly happened to be down the driveway by the garage, which is under the house. She had popped down for a potter.

My mum was up in the house, so to keep Milly safe while I turned to park, I called her into the car. Funny little dog hopped into the driver's footwell rather than the back door which I had opened for her.

So we had this two minute shuffle of parking the car with a dog by my feet 😂😂😂

Of course I wouldn't drive down the road with a dog by the pedals but it was okay to turn my car around in the driveway.

How cute is Milly! ❤️🥰 She is very sweet natured and always so excited to see someone visit, and always has the happiest smile on her face.

She sleeps in a bed on the floor by my mother's bed and has a pink rug put over her at night. My mum finds it way down the hall in the morning sometimes 😊

She doesn't mind her cousins, but they are sometimes too energetic for her, and she has been mugged of her dog treat by Chloe more than once too.

Chloe scoffs hers down fast and then literally takes Milly's from her mouth, since Milly eats in a more leisurely fashion. How rude is that in her own house!

My mum adopted Milly as an 11 year old when her previous owner died. It was a neighbour of a friend situation.

She is a dog of joie de vivre in her new life, and has lasted longer than any of us gave her credit for. What a trooper! And a cute one at that!
 And my newest book, just out this week! I hope you enjoy it!

xx Fiona
(If you use my Amazon links I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thanks so much if you choose to!)

1 comment:

  1. Your holiday excitement is contagious! I love the idea of incorporating little Christmassy touches early on. Milly sounds adorable and quite the character—navigating the driveway with her by your feet must have been an adventure! I can’t wait to check out "A Chic and Simple Christmas" for some festive inspiration. Enjoy the season!


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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