Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Interview with Shannon Ables of The Simply Luxurious Life

New interview

Recently Shannon Ables of The Simply Luxurious Life and I got together on Skype - Shannon from Bend, Oregon, and me from Auckland, New Zealand.  We had such fun - Shannon is the nicest person ever!

We talked a little bit about my new book Thirty Chic Days and all sorts of things related to living a simple and beautiful life.  I am so excited that her podcast with our chat is out now.  You'll probably already be familiar with Shannon's inspiring blog and podcast The Simple Sophisticate, but if you're not, you are in for a treat!

You can listen to (or download) the interview here, and it's also available on iTunes and Stitcher.  I'm sure you will enjoy, as I did, Shannon's generosity of spirit and genuine friendliness (I was a little bit nervous before the interview!)


New blog

If you have read through my most recent 30 Chic Days series on the blog, you may recall that reader Margaret P received a merit award for 'most comprehensive comments'.  Many of you, including me, suggested (insisted?) that Margaret start a blog to share all her wisdom with us.  Happily, I can announce that she has done just that!

I'd love you to go and have a read and say 'welcome' as Margaret finds her blogging feet at her new 'home' Devon Dreaming.


That's all for now, I'll see you on Friday for another blog post, but in the meantime I hope you enjoy listening to Shannon and I chat - I so wish we could have met in person!


  1. I loved your interview! The Simply Luxurious Life is one of my favorite blogs. Along with yours!

    1. Many thanks, Taste of France! Shannon's blog is wonderful :)

  2. First of all, thank you so much, Fiona, for all your encouragement and for mentioning my new blog to your readers.
    Second, I am going to listen to the interview later today when husband isn't sitting right behind me reading the paper!
    And to all those who have visited my new blog seeing the link that Fiona has so kindly added to her list of favourites, thank you all so much.
    Margaret P

    1. I like to listen to my girly stuff when my husband isn't around too, and I think he appreciates it as well ;)

  3. Love both of your blogs and making a cup of coffee to enjoy while I listen. Thank you for all of your inspiration. Last day of summer vacation - school starts tomorrow with Professional Development days for staff. This will be my last year of teaching - I am a school librarian and most people don't think that we "teach". We do - the best way I have heard it described is that we don't teach a subject, we teach a process. Anyway, listening to the podcast will be a great treat while I enjoy the last day of summer as I know it. Excited to read Margaret's new blog too...as that is on my to do list for when I retire in January. Wanted to let you know I am currently enjoying Chic in September series that I missed...so glad I found your blog! Then it is back to my closet - purging so that only the things I love are there and make it easy for me to dress in the morning. I find that SO difficult, but with your inspiration I am going of "chic" and letting go of anything that does not make me feel that way ! Wishing you a beautiful day!

    1. Hi Ann, hope you enjoyed your last day of summer vacation. Exciting that you are entering a new phase of life soon!

    2. Oh, Anne, that would be lovely if you had your own blog, too. I am just getting to grips with blogging but am really enjoying it so far. It's not, as a friend suggested to me, self-centred (those weren't the words she used, but they meant much the same thing) but a case of sharing ideas with like-minded people. And even people who have different views, but politely, as indeed we all do who 'meet' at Fiona's blog.
      Margaret P

  4. Hi Fiona,

    I loved your interview, you're a natural on the
    mic. I was surprised to hear about your upcoming sea change. How exciting for you and your husband.


    1. Thanks very much, Mara! I haven't really mentioned our plans much because they've been fluid and without a definite timeline, but I think the topic would make a great blog post, so thank you for that :)

  5. Yay, Mechelle, thank you and my pleasure!

  6. Hello Fiona,
    I loved the interview as well. I will tell you today I was reading the section on "Adopting a low-drama way of being". I loved the part about not letting that person take your power and realizing that they were not going to change but we must change. I needed that confirmation. I have a "toxic" co-worker and I have let her agitate me. But I am choosing (with God's help) to move on and enjoy my life no matter what she does. Thank you for your message! I am learning that being elegant is also being focused on more important things in life.

    1. Hello Mrs Shockley, I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview! With toxic people, they are always going to be around sadly, and especially with one working alongside you it can be difficult; which is why it is in our best interest to work out a way to be detached from these people even though we may be in close physical proximity. It's not easy but it's definitely a good learning experience. Best of luck to you as you practice elegance as a way of being, 'no matter what'.

  7. What a lovely interview! Your mention of living in the second half of your life stood out to me. I'm in my mid-30s, so I'm not quite sure if I'm in the second half of my life yet, but if not, I'm certainly approaching it! Really makes me think about how I want to live that second half, and really, how to enjoy life now!
    I, too, would be interested in hearing about your upcoming life changes! Sounds very exciting!

    1. Thanks so much! I plan to do a blog post since there seems to be quite a bit of interest in our upcoming plans, as loosely formed as they are at the moment :)

  8. Fiona I so enjoyed your interview! I was waiting for a quiet time with no kids to I could sit back and relax with a cup of tea while taking it all in. You are very inspiring and came across as so authentic and genuine. Congrats on the lovely job you did.

    1. Thank you very much, Wool Fairy! Shannon helped me with her caring and gentle interview style; my nerves dissipated almost straight away :)


Merci for your comment. Wishing you a chic day!

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